I will post about La Tasca tomorrow.
31 May 2010
D.C. in a Nutshell
I will post about La Tasca tomorrow.
29 May 2010
Hunan Manor
After being in the car from 3:45pm to 8:15pm, we finally arrived at my parents' friends' house. They then drove us to dinner at Hunan Manor, which - surprise surprise - is a Chinese restaurant. I personally didn't have a great impression of it when I went in, because of this:
Dude, it's nearly mid 2010. And, "dungenese" isn't that great to advertise to people who speak English.
The weird fried flour thing:
hunan manor,
27 May 2010
Yesterday, I had lunch with AP. [I like AP. I hope he likes me too. I digress.] We were talking about playing guitar, and I said that I was bad at guitar, and he said that I couldn't be worse than him. Then I said that we should jam together one day.
I find it funny how "jam" is used in such different contexts. Jam: the fruit & sugar preserve [NOT "JELLY"], rockin' out, getting something STUCK [usually cars, but cupboards can get "jammed"].
As a kid, I didn't really have a predilection for jam... it was just this sticky sweet stuff, like honey. However, I've grown to actually enjoy it, though strawberry jam has been wayyyy too trite in the past decade... so I don't really like it anymore. Currently, I am obsessed with cherry jam and apricot jam. I'm NOT talking about the "sugar-free" type; those are filled to the brim with aspartame, which is an artificial sweetener. Okay, okay, the FDA thinks that it's safe to ingest, but I disagree. Wikipedia, using this source, states that "A study performed by Northeastern Ohio Universities College of Medicine found that individuals with mood disorders are particularly sensitive to this artificial sweetener, and concluded that its use in this population should be discouraged."
It just so happens that I have mood disorders.
Obesity spread from the U.S. The rough figure is that 1/3 of the U.S. is way too chubby. Ironically, though, the U.S. more obsessed with the whole "fat-free", "sugar-free", "carb-free", "cholesterol-free" and "common-sense-free" crap than any other country.
I remember this asinine chain letter that I read ages ago, poking fun at U.S. people by saying "The [insert ethnicity] eat a lot of [insert fatty substance], but they aren't fat". It later concluded that "It turns out that being American is what makes you fat!" Pretty racist, considering that other countries' citizens are also becoming obese due to [American] fast food...
Anyway, my grandpa got some strawberry jam from the plane and it was OUT OF THIS WORLD [literally.] It was gelatinous, sans fake-American-"jelly"-flavour, and there were chunks of strawberry in it... too bad it was just a sample size.
I find it funny how "jam" is used in such different contexts. Jam: the fruit & sugar preserve [NOT "JELLY"], rockin' out, getting something STUCK [usually cars, but cupboards can get "jammed"].
It just so happens that I have mood disorders.
I remember this asinine chain letter that I read ages ago, poking fun at U.S. people by saying "The [insert ethnicity] eat a lot of [insert fatty substance], but they aren't fat". It later concluded that "It turns out that being American is what makes you fat!" Pretty racist, considering that other countries' citizens are also becoming obese due to [American] fast food...
26 May 2010
Chinese Version of Mochi!
I didn't know my camera was capable of going into such detail. I suppose natural light is way better than flash. Anyway, you guys can see the calluses on my hand from doing push ups on the track. :) I've just realised how much I love sports... even though I've never really looked at myself as "athletic". I mean, I love XC, track, badminton, archery, table tennis, parkouring, climbing trees, pole vaulting [which I tried yesterday and today, probably for the first and last times ever]...
I just realised that none of that stuff is "big" in the U.S. The U.S. likes American football and baseball. Oh, and swimming, because of Phelps.
25 May 2010
Honey Mustard and Onion Pretzels!
The first bite? They tasted tangy, with a hint of bacon. I honestly thought that they tasted like bacon. That's evidently not the case anymore, since now they just taste onion-y and honey-y with a hint of spice. Anyway, that was the first time I had ever encountered Nibblers. In all honesty, I've never been a huge pretzel fan; I've always preferred other forms of carbs, and pretzels are usually covered in coarse chunks of NaCl. However, these Nibblers are the zesty exception [harhar].
A month or so ago, I bought two packs of Snyder's of Hanover Honey Mustard and Onion Nibblers, and I fell in obsession with them again... [aka I went on a thorough binge]. In the first bag, everything was "standard" shaped. The second bag had two mutants, which I think is pretty cool :)
24 May 2010
Divine Chocolate.
Anyway. This morsel of chocolate was extremely pretty and delicious :D
23 May 2010
Cheese Puffs!!!! [aka, Pufferfish]
So... I initially wanted to recreate the ubiquitous Goldfish cracker, which I adore with an emotional passion [track. track. track.]. I found this recipe, and decided to follow it, with some tweaking. Of course, anything I tweak ends up very different from the original, so instead of having crunchy crackers... I got gooey oozy cheesy ones. To make these you need:
1. pepper.
2. 20 turns of sea salt from the sea salt grinder.
3. 2 cups of flour.
4. 3 cups of cheddar cheese. I used the one from Costco. You know, big bag of shredded orange stuff.
5. 5 tsp butter [we ran out].
6. 1 tbsp oil.
7. water.
8. Whatever herbs you want. I added oregano.
1. Pulse everything dry + butter in the food processor. I don't have a food processor...so I pulsed everything in the blender.
7. Pick them up and eat them. You don't need to grease your pan, by the way.
Oh did I say? It smelled. Out of this world... and into the sea :P
22 May 2010
Pecan Pie Square.
Firstly, one may notice the elegant wrapping. Why would anyone bother wrapping one square of chocolate in not only yellow card, but also with a snowflake? Dude, posh.
You can actually see the pecan bits!
21 May 2010
Quinoa Salad.
So, I am obsessed with the quinoa salad thing from yesterday. The sweety-soury-light taste was so great... so I tried to replicate it, by using this recipe. Evidently, it's flawed, because lemon juice and cilantro are mentioned in the method, but not in the ingredients. Basically, though, I ended up with something similar... and I think that the reason I enjoyed the quinoa salad was not the salad dressing, but actually the quinoa itself. Which is quite awesome, as I've been stuck [or, "glutened"] to wheat, rice and semolina. Oh, and corn, of course, in the form of tortillas. However, I've never really had quinoa in my life, because I never bothered putting some on the stove and actually cooking it. Microwaving stuff is NOT really cooking. It's defined as a "shortcut/time saver" in my opinion, so I do like microwave ovens.
Anyway... It tasted sorta similar, sans dressing, and no one in the family ate much. My dad doesn't eat raw onions, my sister eats nothing healthy, my brother thought that the raisins ruined it...you get the picture. But, truth be said, they're biased because they've never had/probably won't like Mediterranean food. It's like me being a vegetarian. Choices.

Anyway... It tasted sorta similar, sans dressing, and no one in the family ate much. My dad doesn't eat raw onions, my sister eats nothing healthy, my brother thought that the raisins ruined it...you get the picture. But, truth be said, they're biased because they've never had/probably won't like Mediterranean food. It's like me being a vegetarian. Choices.
South Pacific
Yesterday evening was prom. I didn't go, because I'm not interested in the over-$200-for-the-ticket-and-the-dress-and-shoes-and-blah. I also don't like dancing much. I actually wanted to see the preprom, because then I'd see people in their dresses and stuff, and hot guys in their tuxes, but I think it wouldn't've made much of a difference to my level of happiness, mingled with exhaustion. A, SL and I went to NYC to watch South Pacific, on 65th. I've never seen a musical before, so I found this rather intriguing. Though, despite the awesome performances [as in, Very. Talented. They know the words and lyrics so well...it almost seems real, along with the shifts in scenery and the wonderful orchestra], I don't think that musicals are my thing. It was an experience, though, sitting in that theatre at the very back [and thus, the very top], and seeing every motion happen fluidly before my eyes.
Anyway, we went to a Medditeraean restaurant, Nanoosh, on 68th and Broadway, before our show began. We had to wait for 20 mins or so, which really sucked because we were sort of pressed for time. They have approximately 56 seats in the store, and it was PACKED! However, as soon as we got seated, all the other tables started clearing up, too, which was rather upsetting. [Hah]. I got this Labane wrap, which was ridiculously DELICIOUS. Labane is actually this yoghurt cheese, and it's still sour... it actually tasted just like thick yoghurt. I think I'm going to start putting yoghurt in my sandwiches, because of this. Oh yeah, there was quinoa salad. It. Was. The. Best. Quinoa. I have. Ever. Had. It was sweet, with raisins and cranberries, but also sour. Ahhhhhhh.
SL got some hummus with sun-dried tomatoes, and A got a mushroom hummus wrap. They also got this pomegranate tea, but I personally don't like pomegranate. We managed to consume everything in 15 minutes. Which was... kind of sad, because we had to, since we were pressed for time, but I would honestly have rather savoured the meal for 30 minutes.
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