How can two dorm rooms feed a whole college dorm house [~100 people? More?] with $80? It's the same question that many families ask themselves; how does one feed a family of 3-5 with, say, $20/week?
The answer? Bleached, refined flour bread, just-add-water-cake-mix with a lot of fat, eggs, and, well, more eggs. Oh, and Tater tots and potatoes. And, apparently, pumpkin pie fits the bill too.

How can two dorm rooms feed a whole college dorm house [~100 people? More?] with $80? It's the same question that many families ask themselves; how does one feed a family of 3-5 with, say, $20/week?
The answer? Bleached, refined flour bread, just-add-water-cake-mix with a lot of fat, eggs, and, well, more eggs. Oh, and Tater tots and potatoes. And, apparently, pumpkin pie fits the bill too.
Did you notice the lack of fresh fruit and vegetables? I really think that if society sold items based on caloric value, we'd have a much healthier society. Plus, we'd make more use of our land, and processing wouldn't delete nutrients from foods [think corn -> corn flakes saturated with sugar].

Cheap muffin mix - just add half a cup of water. $1.39. We bought 8 packs of them.

Tater tots - the other dorm room bought two packs of these.

The cake. No, the blueberries do not count as a proper serving of fruit. Oh, and we used 7 dozen eggs. Just saying.

Other dorm room made biscotti.

We ran out of egg... so we had one loaf [$1.09] of cheap white bread for French toast, and we used half of the other loaf for buttered bread.

More biscotti...
We also made toasted potato cubes [breakfast potatoes]... and a lot of scrambled eggs.
It is apparently a feat to have food remaining after 10 minutes of Brunch. It is an even larger feat to have 3 plates of food [one pie, a lot of cake, and some toast] remaining, 40 minutes after Brunch.
Is it positive or negative? From an energy perspective, it is absolutely more worth it to have fed people vegetable pancakes, or veggies with dip, or fruit. However, from a price perspective...
I do not think that I feel... proud of the fact that we just served really really unhealthy food [except for the eggs] to our dorm house.
However, had we bought fewer high quality vegetables, our brunch would've been cow poop [literally... since crops get manure, if one's into some sort of sustainable farming]. No one would've liked it.
This is why we have fast food chains.