11 August 2010

100 Gingerbread Crumbs!

For the 100th post, I decided to add some spice to the items that I usually blog about. :) [haha...] By spice, I mean gingerbread. Not "real" gingerbread, though. It's microwaved gingerbread.
"Microwaved? Inconceivable!", you say. I'll let you mull over that while I talk about the tomato couscous soup I made again today! This time I added soft tofu, which added this amazing soft nuttiness to it, which contrasted with the grainy texture of the couscous.

Anyway, back to gingerbread. Or, gingerbread mix. This is actually a gingerbread cake mix from Target [Archer Farms?] that I was too lazy to follow directions and add the butter and stick it in the oven. Instead, I just added an egg, water, and a bit of oil [Not sure how much, though]. Then, I mixed it until it looked like cookie dough rather than egg batter, and stuck it in the fridge.
About two tablespoons of this dough, covered with a spoon of cold milk, then microwaved for 60 seconds, yields the image above. GOOEY AWESOMENESS! Well, awesomeness for those who like cakes that are of a brownie consistency. I stirred up the bottom which was still liquidy and microwaved the whole thing for another 20 or so seconds. If you want a more "cakey" [read: dry] cake, stick it in the microwave for another 30 seconds, and then another 10. Just because. Last time, I microwaved one spoonful for about 90 seconds, which yielded a really CRUNCHY COOKIE rather than cake.
In other words, this stuff is really versatile. For those of us who aren't afraid of salmonella [I'm not afraid!], it tastes great "raw", too. It's gingery, but much sweeter so that the ginger taste isn't prevalent. I guess if you want an authentic nutmeggy gingery taste, this isn't for you, but since I honestly dislike the taste of ginger, or ginger candy, or ginger tea, this "ginger"bread works just fine with me. Oh, and if any of you end up walking around 59th ish near that park at NYC near the Lincoln Centre, BUY THE GINGERSNAPS. THEY. ARE. AMAZING.

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