24 May 2010

Divine Chocolate.

I like volunteering at the Essex County Environmental Center, and the largest events include Octoberfest and Earth Day. Since I'm very behind on posting, here is a snippet of a piece of chocolate I got on Earth Day while I was taking a break from the face painting station [I also ended up eating 4-5 organic hot-dog buns, and I met this guy, P, who works at the parks and he's really cool and has eyebrow piercings]. It was called "Divine Chocolate", and the lady at the desk informed me that it was Fair Trade, which I suppose is nice.
If you think about it though... if everything was forced to be Fair Trade, everything would cost more, and people will "complain", and there would be this black market of "cheap" stuff made from illegal labour. Basically, it's like child labour these days. Another unsolvable problem... This is looking at it from a global perspective, rather than purely a human rights or environmental perspective, because people are inherently selfish.
Anyway. This morsel of chocolate was extremely pretty and delicious :D
This has to be the most sensual chocolate picture, ever. Look at the detail... the drips... the decadence.... ahhhh.

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